James W. Frazier
Candidate for Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate


Jim and Rhonda moved to Durham from Middletown in 2015. Although a newbie, Jim's mother lived on Main St when she was born and spent 25 years there.

Jim graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School and went to Porter/Chester for an Architectural and Civil Certification. Then AS at MXCC in Information Systems and Business Administration. Finally went to CCSU for Business Management.

Jim spent 14 years working in engineering departments in manufacturing companies, where he was introduced to computers and that changed his life. Jim later went to sell data communications solutions and then educational software for 22 years. Jim was the top salesman in the company selling architectural design and animation software to schools.

Jim served on the Durham Planning and Zoning Commission for three years and was the Deputy Republican Registrar of Voter for two years.

If you would like to reach Jim, please contact the Chair of the Durham Republican Town Committee at: DurhamGOPChair@gmail.com

The full slate of Durham Republican candidates.

Paid for by Durham Republican Town Committee, Nancy Cuomo, Treasurer.